Using Schoology to Get to Know Your Students

It's that time of year again! The back-to-school rush is in full swing. We're setting up gradebooks, writing lesson plans, organizing our room, and most importantly, getting to know our new students.

Every year I struggle to learn my students' names. What bothers me most about this is that to me it is imperative to know their names! How awful is it to sit in a teacher's class for three weeks and she doesn't know your name? To me, knowing my students' name (and how to pronounce them correctly) is one of the ways I'm showing them that they are important to me.

This year, I've decided to let technology help me do this. In Schoology, I created an assignment and asked the students to tell me their names and the names of their important adults. The students then created a video on their iPad using the camera and submitted it to the assignment.

Now I'm in the process of watching the videos and so far I love it! It gives me a chance to hear their names, see their faces, and learn a little bit about who the adults are in their lives.

In the future,  I think I'll ask them to include more information like something fun they did over the summer, what they do here at school, what they like to do outside of school, and ask them to tell me anything important they want me to know about them. I also really like this because it will live in Schoology and if I need to brush up on some kids, I can refer back to it at anytime.

Interested in doing this? See below for directions...

1. Add an assignment.

2. Name it and write a description to let the kids know what they should say.

3. Make sure "Submission Enabled" is green.

4. After students make their videos and upload them, you'll see them in the assignment under "Submissions".

Questions? See one of the DTCs or Dawn. We're happy to help!


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