Put me in, Coach!

Welcome to our last post in our four part series about instructional coaching. In case you missed the first three posts, check them out here: #1. Coaching Strategies for Classroom Success, #2. Instructional Coaching at RMHS, #3. Goal Setting with PEERS.

As you consider coaching as an option for you, please remember that coaching is not for “struggling” teachers. Coaching can help anyone, even someone who already operates at a high level. Check out this video to reflect on the importance of coaching.

Here is what we have to offer here at RMHS.

Informal Sessions:
Dawn and I are available for more than just help with your gradebook! While our positions were first created to facilitate instructional technology, they have evolved with our needs and we now offer support on everything instructionally related. Want help planning a lesson? Vetting ideas? Brainstorming? We’re here for you.

Example #1: Greta Rakow was trying out a new activity in class. She invited Dawn into her class and asked her to help facilitate the activity. After the lesson, Dawn and Greta reflected on how the activity had played out in class.

Example #2: Katie Batman read Ann’s blog post from last year about Station Rotation and wanted to try it in her class. Katie and Ann met for 30 minutes to brainstorm what that would look like in Katie’s class.

Formal Sessions:
These coaching sessions are open to everyone. Check out the graphic at the bottom of this post for a visual representation of the coaching cycle.

Here is the step-by-step process:

  1. The Set-up: This initial meeting can be done in a 15 min in-person meeting or via email. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the process, possibly desired outcome, and anything pertinent to the coaching process. 
  2. The 1st Classroom Visit: Dawn or Ann will visit your pre-determined class. It is highly recommend that we record the class on video, but not absolutely necessary.
  3. The Initial Follow-up: This 30 minute reflection meeting will be based on the video and end with creating a student-centered goal (PEERS) work on before next recording.
  4. The Planning & Prep: This work is done on your time. You can choose to work alone, with the coach or even with your PLT.
  5. The 2nd Classroom Visit: Same as the first classroom visit
  6. The Second Follow-up: This 30 minute reflection meeting will be similar to the initial follow-up, but will also focus on discussing and re-evaluating the PEERS goal.

After completing this cycle, it’s up to you for what happens next! We can continue working together on the goal, create a new goal, or end our coaching cycle. For an example of what the full coaching cycle looks like, check out our previous two blog posts here: #2. Instructional Coaching at RMHS, #3. Goal Setting with PEERS.

We are very excited to open this new chapter of professional development here at RMHS. Please feel free to talk to us about any questions or needs that you have. We’re here to help!

To see what TLC is doing building-wide, check it out here.


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