Schedule It With Doodle!

About a year ago, I was trying to make plans with some friends. We wanted to figure a date that we could all see a movie. Someone started by throwing out a date. And then at least a million emails ensued ending in feelings of total exasperation.

OK, I might be exaggerating, but it truly was awful and I had to keep reminding myself that it was for something that was supposed to be fun! As I was recounting this story to my husband, he recommended that I check out

Where has Doodle been all my life??

According to the Doodle website, it “is an online scheduling tool that can be used quickly and easily to find a date and time to meet with multiple people. First you suggest dates and times for your event participants to choose from, then Doodle creates a polling calendar that can be sent to participants for feedback.”

So what does that look like?

The next time I needed to make plans, I created a free Doodle poll. I entered dates and times that worked for me and then copied the link and emailed it to my friends. They were then able to click on all of the dates that worked for them. It is a super quick and easy way to see what works for everyone without an infuriating amount of emails (and so much confusion). Here’s a tutorial for using this feature of Doodle.

Fast forward to last week. I realized that I was going to have one of “those” Seminars. You know the kind. A non-stop, revolving door of meeting with students kind of Seminar. For me, one of the worst parts of these kinds of seminars is wasting student time.

I usually use Google Calendar to set appointments with students, but found that it didn’t serve my purpose here since I wanted the students to sign up for their own appointments. Thinking of this, I started googling for ideas to help me. Guess what showed up? Doodle!

I found this link that explains how to use Doodle as an appointment scheduler. I decided that I only needed five minutes with each of the students so I set it up as such and sent the link to the students. They were then able to choose the time slot they wanted and I received a notification via email. It probably took me 5-8 minutes to set up the whole schedule, but it was so worth it.

The scheduled seminar period went off without a hitch. No one was waiting, I felt less stressed, and I got to see all of the students that I had anticipated. It was great.

Doodle is really useful and you don’t need to make an account to use it. It will ask you for your name and email, but that is so the people filling out the Doodle will know from whence it came and also for notifications. Doodle is also free and since you don’t need to make an account, you are able to create unlimited Doodles. There are upgraded features, but from my teacher perspective, I don’t see the benefit of paying for it.

What do you use to make your teacher or personal life a little easier or more organized? Share in the comments below so that we can learn from each other!

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