Collecting Feedback From Your Students

Well, we did it!!! Almost.

I am not sure about you, but every year around this time I start thinking about the craziness of the end of the year and wondering if I accomplished all that I wanted. Did I make a good impression on my students?  Will they remember all that I taught them?  Will my face be on their dart board?  (Do kids even know what dart boards are????)

With all the hustle to tie up loose ends at the end of the year, I always forget about the most important part of teaching and learning.  Reflection.  We ask that of our students, but how often to we take the time to reflect on our own experiences?

There are so many different ways to reflect on your year of teaching.  Perhaps a journal, a meditation, a lunch conversation, or even a coaching conversation.  What kind of data or experiences are you using to help guide your reflection?  Grades, student projects, portfolios, behaviors, stories?

Gathering student input on your course and the school year is a great way to inform your practice and enhance your reflection.  Here are a few resources to help get students involved in an end of the year reflection.

Edutopia:  How to Foster Student Feedback

ThoughtCo:  3 Ways For Student Feedback to Improve Instruction

Vanderbilt University:   Gathering Feedback from Students

I created this survey (from looking at several resources online) to help inform my practice.  Feel free to make a copy of it and use it for your class.

What ways do you reflect at the end of the year?  Please share in the comments below.

Written by:
Dawn Bodden
Teaching & Learning Facilitator


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