Using Notability to Enhance Vocabulary Instruction

In all of our classes, we teach vocabulary. With the introduction of iPads this year, can we change the way we teach vocabulary to help our students retain more of it and make long-term connections?

In the Auto Systems class, Mr. Joel Dufkis starts off the learning of new vocabulary with a +Kahoot! poll. For each of the new words, he asks the students if they “know it”, if they’ve “heard it”, or if they have “no clue”. Using this technology allows the students to access their prior knowledge and get them thinking about what they are about to learn.

After this Kahoot poll, Mr. Dufkis has his students use Notability to help them develop a deeper understanding of the vocabulary. In this very hands-on class, it’s not only important to learn the words, but to see exactly where they are and how they connect to other parts. In order to do this, Mr. Dufkis provides the students with a graphic organizer. For each word, the students are provided with the new vocabulary word. They are then expected to write a definition in their own words and also take a photo of that word to insert into the organizer. In this process, the students are actively engaged in their understanding of the vocabulary.

Graphic organizer with words,
"in your own words" definition, and photos
Having this graphic organizer assists students in making higher level connections with their vocabulary. It allows them to see the world in real-life. With this class in particular that has a higher than average number of EL and Special Ed students, Mr. Dufkis splits the graphic organizer up into pieces and assigns a smaller group of words to each pair of students. When the pair of students has completed their words, they then present to class their picture and student-friendly definition. These presentations are a great chance for students to practice speaking in front of the class as well as a great means for sharing definitions that have wording that is easier to understand than the textbook.

Students presenting their definitions to the class
In the end, the students benefit from the addition of these simple and effective changes to their lesson through the use of the technology. With the addition of the photos and personalized definitions, they are able to review their vocabulary in a very meaningful way no matter where or when they choose to do so.

Here are some ideas about how to use Notability for vocabulary:
  • have the students find real-life examples of geometry terms
  • send students on a vocabulary scavenger hunt in order to find examples of the words
  • have the students record themselves saying the vocabulary words to connect it with the picture and definition

Have you used Notability to teach vocabulary in your classroom? Share your ideas in the comments section. Need some more support? Talk to +Dawn Bodden or one of your DTCs!


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