I need a way to review...fast!

It’s that time of year. So many of our classes are review, review, review. And with review, it’s great to try out new ideas that engage students in using the material they have learned throughout the year.

A great online tool for review is +Quizizz.

Quizizz describes itself by as a tool that “allows you to conduct student-paced formative assessments in a fun and engaging way for students of all ages.” On Quizizz, teachers create multiple choice questions. There are a variety of settings with time and audio that allow for customization. Students then “play” the game earning points for correct answers.  
Teacher editing view
Similar to Kahoot and Quizalize, Quizizz allows the teacher to create multiple choice questions. Different from Kahoot, Quizizz is student-paced and can also be assigned to the students so that it is not necessary for them to complete it in class or even at the same time. Additionally (and maybe the very best part), there are already an abundance of quizzes created by other teachers that you might be able to use as is. Even if you find something that’s almost what you want, but not quite, you can easily edit it in a matter of minutes. When completing a search of public quizzes, try using keywords like “polynomials” and “nutrition”, but also try searching your course and/or textbook name.

Try different search keywords to find a variety of public quizzes

When a quiz is complete, the teacher receives lots of different data about the quiz that can be very useful to inform future instruction (or reteaching).

Check out this tutorial for getting started using Quizizz.

Interested in learning more about Quizizz? Talk to one of us! Do you like individual attention to learn something new? Schedule an appointment with us! Is there an idea you’d like to see in the blog? Let us know and we’ll work on it!


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